Kadi Anis

Kadi Anis (Algeria) graduate of 2023, studied under the educational and professional program "Aircraft Flight Operations":
As I stand on the threshold of a new chapter in my life, I am compelled to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to both my beloved university and the beautiful country of Ukraine. The transformative experiences and unwavering support I have received from both have shaped me in ways that words cannot fully capture.To my university, you have been my guiding light throughout this remarkable journey. From the moment I set foot on your campus, I was captivated by the wealth of knowledge, the passion of the faculty, and the vibrant atmosphere of intellectual curiosity that permeates every corner. Your commitment to excellence, innovation, and fostering a nurturing learning environment has been a constant source of inspiration.To the dedicated professors who have selflessly imparted their wisdom, I am forever indebted to you. Your guidance, expertise, and unwavering commitment to our growth have challenged me to push the boundaries of my intellect and encouraged me to explore uncharted territories. Your belief in my potential has empowered me to discover my true passions and pursue them with unwavering determination.
To Ukraine, the land that embraced me with open arms, I am forever grateful for the unique experiences and the rich tapestry of culture you have bestowed upon me. From the breathtaking landscapes to the captivating history and the warmth of the people, every aspect of this country has left an indelible mark on my soul. Your resilience, determination, and spirit in the face of challenges have inspired me to approach life with the same unwavering optimism and tenacity.
The time spent in Ukraine has been a transformative period of personal growth, cultural immersion, and lifelong friendships. The diverse perspectives I have encountered have broadened my horizons, fostering a deep appreciation for the beauty of global unity and interconnectedness. Ukraine, you have shown me the power of embracing diversity, fostering inclusivity, and celebrating the richness of human heritage.
To Ukraine and to my University, please accept my sincerest appreciation for the profound impact you have had on my life. The experiences and knowledge gained here will forever guide my path and serve as a constant reminder of the transformative power of education and the beauty of embracing different cultures.

Abdulati Bogdadi

Abdulati Bogdadi (Libya) graduate of 2023, studied under the educational and professional program "Aircraft Flight Operations":
My desire was to study aviation from my childhood, and i searched for an advanced place in this field to study in, so i heard a lot about the state of ukraine, especially flight academy of national aviation university, which is distinguished in this field, and for this i joined the study in 2019 in a four-year system and i was very happy and during my studies i found respect and appreciation from the administration and faculty members who are characterized by experience and competence did not skimp on us and provided us with information and their useful experience, and despite the difficult and harsh conditions that the country went through, the academy continued to continue studying with the available means, including distance learning, and despite the difficulties that the state of ukraine went through as a result of the conditions it is going through,so with the insistence of the academy's administration and its adherence to continuing its scientific mission and goals, and the interest and conviction of the members of the committee in their mission, we have completed our studies, including the ppl license.
Nevertheless, i am sad because i will leave this great country and its kind people, among whom i have never felt that i am a stranger, and i hope to obtain a residency renewal, and when conditions improve, i return to obtain a cpl license from our long-term trainers, whom i am proud to be one of their students, and to continue my master's studies.
With this, i extend my sincere thanks to the academy's management, faculty members, trainers, and staff for the guidance, assistance, and good treatment they provided us.
Best regards

Anass Mohamed

Anass Mohamed (Sudan) graduate of 2023, studied under the educational and professional program "Aircraft Flight Operations":
Як студент авіаційної академії з бакалаврським ступенем пілота, хочу поділитися своїм позитивним досвідом навчання. Адже програма підготовки в академії надала мені необхідні знання для подальшого покращення моїх навичок та успішної кар'єри в авіації.
Одним з аспектів, який я ціную – професіоналізм та експертність викладачів. Вони мають знання, практику та відкриті до спілкування. Завжди готові надати допомогу та відповісти на будь-які питання. Вони зробили процес навчання цікавим та активним, а отримані знання допомогли мені стати кращим пілотом.
Академія обладнана усіма необхідними матеріалами, використовує сучасні технології навчання. Тут можна розраховувати на постійну підтримку адмініструючого персоналу у вирішенні всіх організаційних питань. Одним з аспектів, в якому я вважаю, що академія може покращитися, є комунікація – іноді виникала плутанина у інформаційних повідомленнях щодо графіків та дедлайнів. Однак, персонал дуже гнучкий і завжди готовий слухати відгуки та працювати над покращенням ситуації.
Авіаційна академія надала мені міцну базу, допомогла сформувати необхідні компетентності для подальшого розвитку кар'єри в авіації. Я рекомендую цю академію всім, хто зацікавлений вивчати цей напрямок або покращити свої навички пілота.

Basel Aldali

Basel Aldali (Syria), graduate of 2023, studied under the educational and professional program "Aircraft Flight Operations":
First, I want to talk about Ukraine. Ukraine is a beautiful country with stunning nature and nice people. Therefore, I have many Ukrainian friends who love me and love them. One of the most beautiful and closest Ukrainian cities to my heart is Lviv, Odessa, and certainly Kirovgrad, as I spent the best moments of my life in this city in This city is where I came in 2019 and gained new knowledge, science and culture as I was studying at the Ukrainian Flight Academy and it was beautiful years and now 2023 I have passed the final exams and I am about to graduate and receive a bachelor's degree in Air Transport. Experience in flying small and large aircraft, and this is thanks to the distinguished teaching staff of the Ukrainian Flight Academy. I extend my thanks to all the teachers who provided everything that contributes to the progress of the student and gave him the greatest amount of information, knowledge and experience that will help us in our future. Thank you very much, and good luck to my friends and colleagues in the academy. We pray to God that the anguish of Ukraine will be relieved, that the brutal aggression of Russia will go away, and life will return to Ukraine again.

Aoun Abdelmoiaz

Aoun Abdelmoiaz (Libya), graduate of 2023, studied under the educational and professional program "International Air Transportation Managment":
Before I start talking about (FLIGHT ACADEMY OF THE NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY) I would like to say that I used to think that the best years of my life that I went through were those that were in secondary school because I had gone through many wonderful experiences and adventures with friends and teachers, but my look had changed after I entered the stage University and after I registered in (FLIGHT ACADEMY OF THE NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY) because I had more friends with whom I lived the best four years of my life and I hope that time will bring me back to live these years again and also I have new teachers who were like friends to me and they were very friendly with me and some of them He studied me for one season only, and we are still in touch until now. At the end of the speech, many concepts have changed in my mind after I entered the university.

Meilis Atayev

Meilis Atayev (Turkmenistan), graduate of 2022, studied under the educational and professional program "Aircraft Flight Operations":
I have mastered the profession during the difficult period of quarantine and distance learning. It was necessary to quickly adapt to new technologies. But with the help of teachers, it was possible to go through this process without any particular complications. I am especially grateful to my teachers Serhii Ivanovich Vlasenko and Serhii Anatoliyovych Lisevich, I remembered their classes the most, I was impressed by their professionalism and at the same time the accessibility of knowledge presentation. Also, my flight instructors Serhiy Mykhailovych Kasyanov and Oleg Oleksiyovych Shkola taught me a lot. I will remember the years of study at the academy with great pleasure!

Agabek Atabaev

Agabek Atabaev (Turkmenistan), graduate of 2020, studied under the educational and professional program "Aircraft Flight Operations":
I remember with gratitude and nostalgia my education at the Flight Academy and my staying in Ukraine. With great respect to all the teachers of the academy, I want to say special words of gratitude to Serhii Ivanovich Vlasenko and Oleg Mykolayovych Dmitriev. I think that it was they who opened the world of aviation to me, shared the secrets of the profession. I will also remember my instructor pilots with gratitude. And for me, the academy is not only about learning. I am going home not only with a large luggage of useful knowledge and a diploma-pass to the world of civil aviation. Here I found my beloved, who has now become my wife and is going home with me.